Kumkum Bhagya is one of the top-rated Hindi drama shows. The latest episode aired on December 9th, 2023 focused on Poorvi-RV’s dynamics and Prachi-Ranbir’s impending meeting.
Kumkum Bhagya features Shabir Ahluwalia and Sriti Jha in lead roles as Abhi and Pragya. Currently, the show also focuses on their daughters Prachi and Rhea’s relationships. The December 9 episode showcases some light-hearted and emotional moments between various couples.
Poorvi and RV’s Interaction
The episode starts with Poorvi talking to Prachi about hotel expenses on call when RV overhears her:
- RV is passing by when Poorvi discusses high hotel costs with Prachi.👂
- Poorvi feels embarrassed realizing RV heard their problem.🙈
- But she asserts it’s no secret they are facing financial issues.💰
- Ashutosh tries taking Poorvi away rudely before RV intervenes. 👊
Poorvi is honest about their struggles while RV shows care towards her, leading to a sweet moment between the two.
Ranbir and Prachi’s Meeting
In a parallel track, Ranbir reaches out to Prachi:
- Ranbir gently holds Prachi’s shoulder gaining her attention.😚
- Prachi is surprised to see Ranbir suddenly in the vegetable market. 😲
- Their eyes meet affectionately hinting at their undeniable attachment.🥰
- Fans excitedly predict this might lead to a romantic union finally.💕
Ranbir and Prachi’s accidental meeting could renew their affection after the misunderstandings caused by Rhea.
RV Defends Poorvi
RV comes to Poorvi’s rescue yet again when Ashutosh misbehaves:
- Ashutosh tries to forcefully drag Poorvi away from RV.🙅♀️
- RV stops him asking if this is how he should behave with a lady.😠
- Ashutosh appears angered by RV’s intervention in his marital matters. 😡
- Fans hail RV as Poorvi’s knight in shining armor. 🤩
RV’s protective instincts towards Poorvi keep emerging. This adds intrigue to their unconventional marriage track.
Ashutosh’s True Colors
Ashutosh’s rude behavior raises questions again:
- He frequently tries to assert unreasonable control over Poorvi.🛑
- Doesn’t approve of Poorvi interacting with RV warmly. 😒
- Constantly humiliates and insults Poorvi publicly.👿
- Fans speculate he married Poorvi only for her wealth and status. 💰
Ashutosh’s actions keep indicating he harbors nefarious motives behind marrying Poorvi. Her well-being doesn’t seem his priority at all.
Ranbir-Rhea’s Divorce Proceedings
Updates on Ranbir and Rhea’s divorce case:
- Ranbir remains firm on ending his toxic marriage with Rhea.✂️
- Rhea desperately tries delaying the divorce through her lawyer. 🙇♀️
- But the case seems tilted in Ranbir’s favor currently. 💪
- Fans excited for Ranbir to get freedom from Rhea finally. 👏
Ranbir’s sternness spells hope that this divorce track will conclude soon on a positive note for him and Prachi’s future.
The December 9th episode of Kumkum Bhagya complemented the dramatic tracks with light-hearted romance between various pairs. Fans eagerly await the coming together of the pure-hearted Prachi and Ranbir after all the obstacles. In the Poorvi-RV track, Ashutosh’s villainous face being exposed also seems imminent.