In yesterday’s Kumkum Bhagya, lighthearted moments ensued as RV and Yug shared opinions on outfits chosen by Harleen and Dadi. RV playfully dismissed Yug’s selections, insisting his own choices were superior. This prompted Yug to plead with Harleen and Dadi to consider his preferences, making them laugh at the friendly bickering.
However, RV advised Yug to finish shopping quickly as they would be leaving soon. Meanwhile, Purvi quietly selected dresses as Bina bickered with Ashutosh about the same topic. Bina also mentioned clashing with Dadi over liking the same dress.
Later, Bina reacted in shock spotting the shopkeeper show Purvi an expensive dress. Purvi suggested shopping elsewhere instead.
It seems more drama awaits in upcoming episodes – will there be further arguments over outfit selections? What is Purvi’s reaction to Bina’s shocked reaction at the costly dress? Stay tuned to find out!
Watch this space for more updates and spoilers on the engaging Zee TV daily Kumkum Bhagya.